Bird & Squirrel Feeders & Baths
Bird feeders come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and they are made from many different materials. We offer feeders in a large variety of styles, as shown in the photos and descriptions below. We also offer heated bird baths and heating units to keep water from freezing during the Winter months. We’re here to answer your questions and to help guide you in making the best feeder and feeding decisions for your yard. Please ask us!
Why a Bird Feeder?
The Hummingbird tube feeder in the video shown here demonstrates two reasons that bird feeders are a good thing to have in your yard. First, the feeder obviously attracts lots of birds that are fun to watch and they make great sounds that add to your experience. Secondly, the birds are hungry and you’re providing a benefit to them by giving them nourishment.
We have a wide range of custom and hand-crafted feeders for you. We offer a variety of top filling feeders for easy use and less chance of leaking. Feeders are available for 1 to 22 hummers to feed at once. Made in Greer also has a supply of cleaning brushes, hooks and nectar containers.
Other Birds
Made in Greer offers hand made bird feeders in addition to unique metal, squirrel proof, table top and garden stake feeders to fill most everyone’s needs.
Peanut wreaths are a fun way to watch these clever and creative critters get a special treat. We have red and black hearts and circles. The Squngee feeder offers hours of entertainment and it’s one of our best sellers.
Bird Feeders & Baths
Items shown are examples of our stock. Some items may no longer be available.
Squirrel Feeders
Squirrel Feeder Ring
This Squirrel Feeder Ring is installed in Pat & Dick’s back yard in Greer. You can watch both the squirrels and the nut-eating birds, like Stellar’s Jays, Pinon Jays and Clark’s Nutcrackers snatching one peanut at a time from the feeder.